AGS Mastermind Roundtables LA

Limited to Only 25 App Growth Experts!
September 26, 2019 Marina del Rey • Los Angeles, CA
Overview Agenda Sponsors

App Growth Experts: Mastermind Roundtables LA was not like our regular App Growth Summits. This new format is one part idea-exchange, one part brainstorming, and all-around fun, while creating connections in a new, fresh, and positive environment conducive to ideation, networking, and knowledge sharing.

Limited to 30 Experts
Fully-Immersive Format
Open & Honest Closed-Door Discussions

App Growth Experts: Mastermind Roundtables LA was invite-only, and limited only to leaders in the Mobile App Growth industry who are actively looking to improve their app success and the industry as a whole by sharing real off-the-record information and strategies together.

Network & Connect with Fellow Experts
Learn What’s Working (& What’s Not) with Others
Personalized Brainstorming & Ideation

Due to the intimate nature of this event, vendors who weren’t one of the limited number of pre-approved Sponsors were not extended invitations.

Pre-Event Networking & Coffee

Arrive into our retreat-for-the-day space, grab some java, and start meeting your fellow mastermind experts!

Welcome Message

We'll kick-off the event, explain how the day will work, and set everyone up for a day designed for opening up your mind and ideas and building bonds with your fellow app growth experts.

What's Working - Lightning Round

Everyone (yes, even you) will have 90 seconds to share one thing they're working on right now which is working for them. NOTE: No Photos allowed during this session, as most will be sharing real data and information.

Thought-Igniting Leaders Talks

Quick Presentations from a couple of industry thought-leaders to help kick-start your brain!

Dina Chaiffetz will give the group some ideas and pointers on how Consumer Psychology plays into your app's growth success and sustainability.

David Mausolf will give some ideas and examples on how to approach building a modern, efficient, and kick-ass modern app growth team!

Dina Chaiffetz
Dina Chaiffetz Prolific Interactive Director of Product Strategy, Prolific Interactive
David Mausolf
David Mausolf Vice President, User Acquisition Marketing, Twentieth Century Fox
Catered Lunch!

We'll take a break for fueling up, networking with your peers, and light interpersonal discussions on what you just heard.

Team Games!

To prep the Mastermind Roundtable, we'll split everyone up into groups and each group will become a team for a few team-oriented games, where you'll have to work together to win! This game will break the ice with your roundtable group, and help you bond mentally so you can brainstorm better in the following session.

Deep Dive Private Roundtable Discussions

The whole day has been designed to prep your mind, energy, camaraderie and focus towards this 2-hour session. Here's where the rubber meets the road. All phones will be turned OFF for this session, but note pads will be provided for inspiration-capture.

Real talk, real strategies, real idea exchanges. Our custom-curated format for Mastermind Roundtables will help each individual maximize the full experience and brain-power from the rest of the group. Everyone will take turns giving and receiving advice, ideas, strategies and information.


Now that all the ideations and strategies have been given and received, it's time to network one more time with our open barAPPY HOUR, and go over some of the amazing learnings, break-throughs, and insights you've gathered throughout the day!


App Growth Summit Testimonials

Jasslyn Ye

"AGS is a high quality and engaging event that enables marketers to learn with no boundaries about the latest insights and trends and provides in-depth sharing from like minded peers. It is a small scale yet intimate event that enables close connections to be formed. Thank you for putting up such an amazing one, please be back again!"

Jasslyn Ye, Smadex
Laura-Maria Pyter

"AGS is inspiring, informative, and networking gold! It is not just another industry event, it's a community of supportive and curious professionals who are genuinely interested in helping you achieve your own success. The sessions are engaging and informative, leaving you inspired and motivated to apply new insights to your own role. My eureka moment was answering the following for myself: Would you rather invest thousands of dollars and time into programs or training materials that you'd have to sift through in frustration alone... or... attend this event for 2 days and leave knowing you've leveled up just being there? "

Laura-Maria Pyter, Babbel