Become A Masked Marketer!

Become A Masked Marketer

Got something to say? We have our popcorn ready! Please fill out the form below, and tell us you would like to grab the mask and share something Controversial, Confessional, Theoretical, Inconclusive, or Irreverently Inappropriate but Fun. Hey, it’s doesn’t have to be negative! Masked Marketers need to have fun, too!

  • Please note, we reserve the right to decline publishing any submissions which do not fit our scope of this series, and we may lightly edit any submissions for grammatical or other purposes. Masked Marketer identities will never be shared publicly.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

App Growth Summit Testimonials

Stephen Lee

"App Growth Summit was a very informative event. A lot of relevant topics were covered and I met a lot of marketing professionals across different industries."

Stephen Lee, DECA Games
Vladimiro Bilancetti

"I love coming to the AGS because it's a great opportunity for seeing the old friends, meeting new ones and sharing crisp insights about the latest trends, tools and techniques of the industry without being harassed by vendors because only a few selected ones are allowed to come to the venue. In addition to that the content on stage is hyper valuable."

Vladimiro Bilancetti, Visable Labs