App Growth Summit Tokyo 2025
30+ SPEAKERS · 12+ FULL-FUNNEL SESSIONS · GLOBAL AUDIENCE30名以上の豪華なゲストスピーカー・12以上のパネルディスカッションが集結
Content at this Event will Be Mainly in Japanese with English Audio Translation Services Available
世界トップレベルのアプリグロースイベント、App Growth Summit(AGS)が、2025年4月ついに東京で開催決定!
アプリグロースのプロフェッショナルが集い、最新のノウハウを共有し、業界の未来を切り拓く場となります。業界リーダー×厳選されたセッション×有意義なネットワーキング AGS Tokyo 2025 で、最前線のマーケティングを学びな ら、新たなビジネスチャンスを掴みませんか?
日本の皆様とともに、成長・学び・つながり を生み出す場を創れることを、心より楽しみにしています!
For the first time ever, the globally renowned App Growth Summit is coming to Tokyo in 2025! This highly-anticipated event will bring together app growth leaders from around the world to exchange knowledge, share innovative insights, and foster collaboration.
30+ Expert Speakers, a carefully crafted event experience, App Growth Summit Tokyo 2025 is the place to connect with industry professionals while learning full-funnel app growth strategies.
We are honored to bring our event to Japan, as we create a space for growth, learning, and community!
This event will take you through all of the must-know topics, strategies, and actionable insights for you to make a measurable impact on your full-funnel app growth – and none of the topics that won’t.
Our AGS community of experts are hand-picked and vetted, so you’re at an event that is not only great for networking, but also fun! You’ll be sure to create strong connections and learn among great brands!
AGS Tokyoは完全招待制のオフラインイベントです。業界トップのプロフェッショナルと共に最先端の事例や知識を得ましょう!モバイルアプリ・モバイルゲーム・ブランドの企業にお勤めの方は、無料でご参加可能!以下のフォームに入力し、参加申請をお送りください。ベンダーやサービスプロバイダーの方は、スポンサーとしてのみ参加可能です。
※本イベントの当日券は販売しておらず、チケットは数量限定 です。
"App Growth Summit was a very informative event. A lot of relevant topics were covered and I met a lot of marketing professionals across different industries."
Stephen Lee, DECA Games"AGS was my first networking event I went solo to, and I quickly made friends with colleagues, had great conversations and I felt like I belonged there. The panel discussions, presentations and activities were great and very informative. I walked away with full pages of notes that I shared with my company. I'm excited to take what I learned, and put it to work!"
Emily O'Hanlon, NTWRK