Season 03 • Episode 01

Kasha Stewart, The Walt Disney Company

In the first episode of the Appy Hour Talk Show’s third season, we’re joined by Kasha Stewart, Head of Product at the Walt Disney Company. She shares her career journey from graduating with a BFA in Photography and Film Production to her stint as a night editor for a paparazzi agency. After a time mix-up during her FANG interview, Kasha got the opportunity to interview at the Walt Disney Company. Looking back at the experience, she reflects on her impressive career journey.

As Head of Product, Kasha is constantly pivoting her team’s strategy based on new user data; an experience she compares to flying a plane blindfolded. We Talk Nerdy about adapting AGILE to fit your organization and team workflow and how being multi-faceted allowed her to take advantage of opportunities in the entertainment industry. Kasha discusses the deficit of women and BIPOC in tech and how she advocates for representation in entertainment and tech.

App Growth Summit Testimonials

Nicolai Dotter

"I gained valuable insights that I applied to my growth and testing strategies!"

Nicolai Dotter, Skillz
Anthony Francis

"It was an AWESOME opportunity to learn & connect with some of the brightest minds in the mobile app industry. Hearing strategies from some of the most successful mobile app companies in the industry was extremely informative and will help inform my future strategies!"

Anthony Francis, Moloco