App Growth Summit Testimonials

Vladimiro Bilancetti

"I love coming to the AGS because it's a great opportunity for seeing the old friends, meeting new ones and sharing crisp insights about the latest trends, tools and techniques of the industry without being harassed by vendors because only a few selected ones are allowed to come to the venue. In addition to that the content on stage is hyper valuable."

Vladimiro Bilancetti, Visable Labs
Laura-Maria Pyter

"AGS is inspiring, informative, and networking gold! It is not just another industry event, it's a community of supportive and curious professionals who are genuinely interested in helping you achieve your own success. The sessions are engaging and informative, leaving you inspired and motivated to apply new insights to your own role. My eureka moment was answering the following for myself: Would you rather invest thousands of dollars and time into programs or training materials that you'd have to sift through in frustration alone... or... attend this event for 2 days and leave knowing you've leveled up just being there? "

Laura-Maria Pyter, Babbel