App Growth Masterminds Seattle 2022

In Partnership with mParticle
July 28, 2022 9:30am PDT • AXIS Pioneer Square • Seattle, WA
Overview Agenda Sponsors


App Growth Masterminds Seattle was not like our regular App Growth Summits. This new, more intimate format has been very popular, because it’s one part idea-exchange, one part brainstorming, and all-around fun! All while creating connections in a new, fresh, and positive environment conducive to ideation, networking, and knowledge sharing.

Limited to 25 Experts
Fully-Immersive Format
Open & Honest Closed-Door Discussions

App Growth Masterminds Seattle was invite-only, and limited only to leaders in the Mobile App Growth industry who were actively looking to improve their app success and the industry as a whole by sharing real off-the-record information and strategies together.

Network & Connect with Fellow Experts
Learn What’s Working (& What’s Not) with Others
Personalized Brainstorming & Ideation





Pre-Event Networking & Coffee

Arrive into our retreat-for-the-day space, grab some coffee or tea, and start meeting your fellow app growth experts in a safe, fully-vaccinated, environment!

Welcome Message

We'll kick-off the event, explain how the day will work, and set everyone up for a day designed for opening up your mind and ideas and building bonds with your fellow app growth experts. Don't forget to fill up on some coffee and Breakfast snacks!

Louis Tanguay
Louis Tanguay Founder & Managing Director, App Growth Summit
It's Chaos! How to Overcome Customer Data Headaches and Develop a Winning First-Party Data Strategy

The amount of customer data available to brands has absolutely exploded in the past decade, giving brands an opportunity to create personalized experiences. But with the introduction of privacy regulations, thousands of new marketing tools, new customer touchpoints, and more, this data can simply cause chaos. It's hard to measure and manage, but most importantly, blocks brands from delivering winning customer experiences. The fun stuff! Come to this session to learn how brands like Postmates, Spotify and Burger King solve data chaos.

Rohit Kulkarni
Rohit Kulkarni mParticle Team Lead, Senior Solutions Engineer, mParticle
Discussion Panel
Mapping A Successful Post-Install Growth Strategy

In the first discussion panel of the day, we’ll explore ways in which data plays a pivotal role in mapping the User Journey so you understand how to best optimize revenue and engagement throughout the user lifecycle. We’ll explore engagement strategies, and when to connect with users at key moments to optimize your monetization efforts.

Bayram Annakov
Bayram Annakov App in the Air Founder & CEO, App in the Air
Shimone Samuel
Shimone Samuel Mobile Product Manager, Best Buy
Topic-Based Roundtables
Topic-Based Roundtables

Here's our first Roundtable sessions of the day! In these rounds of discussions, each Roundtable is led by an expert on that topic. Pick the topic which works best for your interests and get in there! After 30 minutes, you'll have the option to switch roundtables, or stay in the roundtable you initially chose and keep going!

Roundtable Topics Included:

  • Creatives: Testing & Analytics
  • Take Control of the Chaos in Your Data!
  • Product Launches
  • This session will be divided into two 25-minute sessions

Rohit Kulkarni
Rohit Kulkarni mParticle Team Lead, Senior Solutions Engineer, mParticle
Lina Rowan
Lina Rowan YouAppi Director of Sales, YouAppi
Faith Price
Faith Price DoubleDown Interactive Director of Growth Marketing, DoubleDown Interactive
Catered Lunch!

We'll take a break for fueling up, networking with your peers, and light interpersonal discussions on what you just heard.

App Growth Strategies for Pre-Install Success

Our Panel of app growth experts will dive into what's working now with different channels for ad spend, as well as how to maximize your Organic acquisition efforts such as App Store Optimization (ASO) and more!

Tu Tran
Tu Tran Smadex Sales Director, Smadex
Janice Gao
Janice Gao Big Fish Games Director, Growth Marketing, Big Fish Games
Mike Pollard
Mike Pollard Adjust Senior Account Executive, Adjust
App Growth Challenge

To prep the Mastermind Roundtables for the final session, we'll split everyone up into groups. Each group will become a team, where you'll have to work together to win! This game will help you break the ice with your group, which will then become your roundtable mastermind group, and help you bond so you can brainstorm better in the following session.

Louis Tanguay
Louis Tanguay Founder & Managing Director, App Growth Summit
Mastermind Roundtable Sessions
Deep Dive Mastermind Discussions

Our whole day has been designed to prep your mind, generate energy, build camaraderie with your fellow app growth experts, and focus towards this Masterminds session. Here's where the rubber meets the road! You and your fellow app growth experts will be able to share information freely and privately with each other!

Open Bar Reception & Private Dinner!

Now that all the ideations and strategies have been given and received, it's time to network one more time and relax with our open bar reception and Private Dinner next door at the Corner Gallery! Dine with fellow App Growth Experts and go over some of the amazing learnings, break-throughs, and insights you've gathered throughout the day!


Sponsorships Sold Out!

Title Sponsor

Contributing Sponsors

Supporting Sponsors

App Growth Summit Testimonials

JoJo Chang

"AGS really made it! People were connected and talked about their ideas/experience and ways of marketing on the edge! It was really good to attend! "

JoJo Chang, Yotta Games
Yuni Cho

"If you want to have a great time with great food and AWESOME people, attend AGS and connect! You won't regret coming!"

Yuni Cho, TapBlaze